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Mueller? Mueller?

When Robert Mueller was asked to testify before Congress about his investigation of Russia's interference in the 2016 election, the nature of the request was apparently lost in translation.

What Mueller heard was, "We'd like you to do your best 'Farrah Fawcett on Leno' impression."

I have been telling people for years that if they think things are tough now, wait until the international community abandons the dollar. JP Morgan is warning that the U.S.' unconscionable $22,000,000,000,000 debt is weighing on its status as a global reserve currency, so of course that warning will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Funny how those things work.

How anonymous is anonymous data collection? According to a Belgian study, there's an 83% chance that you can be identified based on gender, birth date, and postal code.

More data points than that, and you're a fish in a barrel.

Government–subsidized Famine

I am not well versed in the statistics of global hunger, but I do know the United States has the largest arable tract of land in the world and it pays farmers to watch it blow away.

Because disposable diapers don't cost enough, Pampers has developed a smart diaper that notifies you when your baby needs to be changed.

Headline: Ivanka Trump misspells United Kingdom in Tweet.
In case you were wondering what a slow news day looks like.

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