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In last night's Free Stuff Sweepstakes on CNN, prizes offered totalled more than 210 trillion dollars.

Bernie Sanders ran away from the field with his $35T spending over ten years, but was dogged by Andrew Yang's $30T of proposals. Karen Gillibrand placed third with her paltry $10 trillion.

Marianne "Don't call me Crystal Lady" Williamson finished in the bottom third with $500 billion. Obviously, Ms. Williamson needs to up her game if she wants to improve her visibility in the Free Stuff Sweepstakes. This is where she could play to her strengths by offering free soul cleansings or perhaps acquiesce and promise a free healing crystal in every lunch bag.

60% of Burning Man attendees are white and more than half have household incomes above $100,000.

The takeaway is that broke non-white people have no desire to drive to the middle of the high desert for a week to live like a broke non-white person.

While some parts of the globe are experiencing record heat waves, others places such as Minneapolis and parts of Russia, are experiencing record low temperatures.

I'll put on my meteorologist hat and postulate that the reduction in solar activity associated with the grand solar minimum has weakened the jet stream permitting the co-mingling of thermal strata across latitudes that is not observed during periods of nominal or elevated solar activity.

Put another way, global cooling is causing global warming.

What's a Few Trillion Dollars between Friends?

Remember when the Reagan administration required eight years to borrow a trillion dollars?

FY2019 will cap a two-year federal borrowing spree of 2.57 trillion dollars.

A trillion here, a trillion there, and pretty soon you're talking about real money.

According to Harvard researchers, men who can do more than forty push-ups are less likely to have a heart attack.

I wonder what their methodology could have been?

Sum(MenCompletingFortyPushups) - Sum(MenHavingHeartAttackTryingToCompleteFortyPushups)

If you grew up thinking that South Dakota, South Korea, and Georgia were part of the same biome, you might be a product of 1970's television.

Mueller? Mueller?

When Robert Mueller was asked to testify before Congress about his investigation of Russia's interference in the 2016 election, the nature of the request was apparently lost in translation.

What Mueller heard was, "We'd like you to do your best 'Farrah Fawcett on Leno' impression."