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Gallup reports that 43% of Americans have a favorable view of socialism, with 58% affirmative for respondents aged eighteen to thirty-four.

Considering the outstanding models for socialism are human rights-challenged Saudi Arabia and civilization-challenged Venezuela, I would be curious to see the plans for a new and improved socialist model after centuries of failures.

Brazil's President Bolsonaro has become increasingly unpopular thus it appears that the powers that be have decided that he is responsible for the Amazon's annual fire cycle.

The fires have received excessive press coverage and even 'spurred' riots in London and even an agenda item at the G8 conference, but NASA reports the fires to be on par for the last fifteen years (Africa is also on fire, but nobody reports that), with above average activity in Amazonas and Rondônia.

When you consume 'news' remind yourself that six companies control 90% of the information in America and one company controls 89% of access to that information.

Attorney General William Barr has accepted the finding of suicide as the manner of death for Jeffrey Epstein.

Henceforth, the inclination to accept a load of horse feathers as gospel truth shall be known as Epstein-Barr Syndrome.

If you're inclined to be optimistic about the future of humanity, consider that five million people per year spend their vacations looking at a hole in the ground.

Presidential candidate Marianne “Don’t call me Crystal Lady” Williamson has proposed the creation of a Secretary of Peace and a Department of Peace (not to be confused with 1984’s Ministry of Peace).

“Lasting peace requires its active and systematized cultivation at every level of government and society … Nothing short of broad-scale investment and government reorientation can truly turn things around.”

Ok, maybe it should be confused with 1984’s Ministry of Peace.


The Air Force's new billion-dollar Nuclear Command and Control Facility in Nebraska is being named after confessed war criminal Curtis LeMay.