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Consistent with the patriarchal attitudes that dominated most of the 20th Century, the panel of psychiatrists consulted by the Warren Commission wanted to blame Marina Oswald for the murder of the president.

In a rare moment of clarity, the Commission declined to pursue this vector.

The Warren Commission should have asked Agatha Christie to write its report.

At least she understood the importance of identifying the elements of a crime and crafting a cogent narrative from the facts that supports the primary conclusion – having experience writing fiction certainly couldn't have hurt either.

The Warren Commission Report has been the target of scorn and derision over the years. Some of it undeserved, but not all of it.

On p.54, the WCR represents testimony that conflicts with the report's primary conclusion: that LHO acted alone and of his own volition.

A picture of the lower half of WCR p.54.
Dr. Clark's description of head wound, p.54
President Creates Commission to Investigate Kennedy Assassination

President Johnson announced today via Executive Order No. 11130 the formation of a commission to investigate the assassination of President John Kennedy and the violent death his alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald.

The Commission is chaired by Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court Earl W. Warren and its members include congressional, intelligence, and private interests.

Details of how the members were chosen have not been released, but the eminence of Chief Justice Warren ensures an investigation of the most unimpeachable jurisprudence.

Part of the (presumed) complexity of the JFK case is the mountains of data generated over the years that some enthusiasts insist one masters before they entreat them: 'If you don't know sub-detail 'x' then you don't know anything'. Ironically, this measurement of minutiae over argument is the same one Lee used to declared victory over his ideological opponents, but this behavior is hardly confined to the JFK space.

Of course, this is false logic; Praexeology requires only the correct data analyzed correctly. The rest, as they say, is 'scenery for the public'.

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Marina Testifies – Day One

The widow of alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald began her testimony today before Chief Justice Earl Warren and members of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy (The Warren Commission).

Chairman and Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren presided, with members Senator John Sherman Cooper, Representative Hale Boggs, Representative Gerald R. Ford, and Allen W. Dulles in attendance. Also present were Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald and her attorney John Thorne, with William D. Krimer and Leon I. Gopadze interpreting for Mrs. Oswald and the Commission. Commission General Counsel J. Lee Rankin led the interrogation.

Following procedural pronouncements, the session started with the revelation by Chief Justice Warren that Mrs. Oswald has been interrogated not fewer than forty-six times by the FBI in the last ten weeks.

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