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Listen to "Left-Wing Conspiracies / T^OL2123" on Spreaker.

Episode: 2123

Jungle Rooster

Many of the conspiracy theories that pervade America’s social consciousness as fanciful dalliances had less than auspicious origins. Some of our favorite conspiracy theories grew from seeds of discontent sown by people resistant to potential realities.

Join us as we wade through the spectrum to explore Left-Wing Conspiracies.

  • The JFK Assassination
  • Corporations
  • Military Engagements
Listen to "Right-Wing Conspiracies / T^OL2122" on Spreaker.

Episode: 2122

Jungle Rooster

Each political faction in America has a litany of ghost stories and urban legends they tell themselves to reinforce their perceptions and justify their value systems.

These ghost stories are usually known by a different term: Conspiracy Theories.

Conspiracy theories are as American as apple pie and fake wrestling. While most are as harmless as the cocktail party musings over the authenticity of the moon landings, others have destroyed lives.

Listen to "Splitting the Spectrum / T^OL2121" on Spreaker.

Episode: 2121
Music: Jungle Rooster

American society has an uncanny history of bifurcating support for issues: assuming a position on one side or the other and overlooking nuance and shades of gray. This propensity for polarization has led to the American body politick being divided into the unimaginatively named factions of Left and Right.

How did we get here and is it working for us?

Join the Jacobins to learn how Americans are Splitting the Spectrum.

Listen to "Pointless Presidents / T^OL2111" on Spreaker.

Episode: 2111

Everyone knows who the first president of the United States was. Many people know who the second or sixteenth president was. Other historical presidents people know by reputation: Thomas Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, and the ill-fated John Kennedy.

Why do some presidents stay in the mind more than others? Is it because of an acquired celebrity status or because they achieved truly noteworthy success during their time as Chief Executive?

And what about the presidents whose names we don’t recall? What did they do – or not do – to be forgotten by posterity?

Join us for a discussion of the country’s six – or is it seven? – Pointless Presidents.

Listen to "The Wookiee Has No Pants / T^OL2026" on Spreaker.

Episode: 2026

Similar to the delayed effects of the detonation of an atomic bomb, the full devastation of the bomb dropped on the global economy by the Coronavirus response has not yet manifested.

Explore with us the imminent devastation and transfer of wealth facing the world, and of course, the relationship between naked wookiees and the global economy.

Listen to "The Chinese Century I / T^OL2021" on Spreaker.

Episode: 2021
Series: The Chinese Century

China has grown from a simple society of agrarian feudalism to a global economic and military superpower in just seventy years, a feat rivalled only by America’s rise to power in the twentieth century.

In this two-part series that explores China’s role in the modern world, revisit the rise and fall of Dynastic China and the rise of its successor, the People’s Republic of China, a country of free peoples ruled by an authoritarian regime that ‘plays the long game’.

Listen to "Stumping Septuagenarians / T^OL2011" on Spreaker.

Episode: 2011

Joe Biden has overtaken Bernie Sanders in pledged delegates after Super Tuesday. Is this a surprising upset or predictable politics? What is Joe’s appeal such that he can run a historically anemic campaign and then effortlessly overwhelm Bernie? What is Bernie’s open secret that prevents him from being accepted by establishment Democrats?

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